February, 2017

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Well, since it’s February now, and my last post was December 7th, I’m forced to admit that I really stunk up the whole blogging through December thing. In all fairness, it was an insane month for our family. One of those crazy I-can-do-it-all moments when you find out you really can’t. I finished my capstone project, a 35-page business plan with financials, and received my bachelor’s degree. (I hate that bachelor’s degree isn’t capitalized. It was sooooo much work. It should at least get a capital letter, or some sparkles, or unicorn tears. . . something. Sorry the pain is still fresh.)

With Miracle Maker coming out in hardcover there were also book events- singings, book launches, and school visits (one of my favorite things to do). Add this to the already full month of Christmas events, shopping, and visits with extended family, and it all makes a lousy time to try and do a blog fest. We didn’t even get a Christmas tree this year. I know right. . . simply scandalous. My kids are probably traumatized forever, but it’s just as well. We always seem to have a dead tree in our yard until practically summer, and I know some day a bunch of banjo playing hillbillies are going to start hanging out on our porch.

Anywhoo- it is snowing here today, and I have this great cocoa recipe that I was going to post in December, so it’s CHRISTMAS COCOA DAY IN FEBRUARY TODAY!!!


This is a super easy recipe and it makes a TON of cocoa. I store it in Tupperware and leave in a half cup measuring cup to make it easy. I can’t really say how long it stores because my family never lets it last more than about three days. (When you see how much it makes you will be amazed by this feat, but yeah, we are gifted in gluttony.)


I made this recipe up years ago, and have tweaked it over a decade. It’s only four ingredients- five if you like mint, so it’s super easy.


*For some reason I don’t have the powdered sugar in this photo. I’d love to provide some great story behind it, but I was probably just chocolate-jonesing and was loopy for my fix.


Here is the recipe.

2 cups powdered non-dairy creamer

3 cups powdered milk

4 cups Nestle quick powder

2 cups powdered sugar

misingbowlsift sifting cocoa

Then you can add mint extract or my personal favorite peppermint essential oil. (On the latter, it really only takes like 5-10 drops or your eyes will water and your sinuses will be clear forever.)

Mix the first three ingredients together. The best way is to put it all in a big bowl and mix it with a big wooden spoon. Then add the mint oil and sift it into another bowl with a big strainer (see the picture to clarify). The powdered milk can be a bit too chunky to go through the sifter, depending on the brand. Just add what won’t sift into the mix and give it a stir. After that is sifted a few times, add the powdered sugar, and sift again a few times to mix it all in.


To make a cup just add ½ cup of mix to hot water and stir. Easy-peasy.


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** If your felling fancy you can even crush up some of those old candy canes that have been hanging around since you emptied out your stocking, and put that into the mix for color.