Day 1 An Idea Strikes.

Okay, here it is. The first day of our twelve days of Miracle Maker blogging blitz. So, on this first day of blogging, I am going to post a little bit about why I wrote this story.  Well, it all started way back in 1998, almost two years before I ever even thought about writing or being a writer. See, I’m not one of these authors who have known that I wanted to be an author from embryo. Writing sort of snuck up on me (I think it should be sneaked, but it sounds too weird.) So I wrote a little here and there, an article of two for the school paper, essays, silly poems. I just thought that was what everyone did. It came easy to me, but I had no idea that I could use it. So in 1998 I was a young mommy and I went to a women’s church meeting to escape for a few hours and feel like a real person. They did some crafts, showed us some new recipes, and of course they fed us. At that point in my life someone else cooking for me could get me to go just about anywhere. Come to think of it, it still does. Anyway, back to the meeting. They handed out a little pink heart with  a quote on it. It wasn’t anything fancy, but the heart basically said that we could be the answer to someone’s prayers. It was a kind of wow moment for me. The thought that I could be an answer to someones prayers was huge for me. And at that moment. . . an idea was planted.


I took a shot of the actual paper I saved in a journal.

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